Product details > Nozzle > AMP-D9 Nozzle |
Capability |
AMP-D9 The technical features of the pin valve nozzle:
※ The pin valve gate nozzle, using the strong technical gate sealing to bear against the cavity pressure of the mold injection, is without the casting phenomenon, and there is only a small ring on the part surface, so which is suitable for the part with high requirement on the surface. ※ The pin valve gate can be larger according to the part requirement, to provide higher injection amount and speed, to make the part in better quality. Especially for the thermoplastic with the sensitizer, this nozzle can provide lower mold injection pressure, which cannot obstruct the gate. ※ The color-change quality is good, and it is can be controlled by sequential controller, so the part requirement can be reached higher by opening the gate on different time.
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Application scope |
Being suitable for the plastic part with high appearance requirement, it can be used on crystalline and amorphous materials, such as PP、PE、POM、PA(6.6,6.,610,11,12)PBT、ABS、PS、PMMA,PMMI、SAN,ASA、PC、PVC、PPO、PEI、PES、PSU、TPE,TPU and additives FR、GF、ST. | |
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Related parameter |
Item # |
Length |
Nozzle body model # |
Heater Power # |
AMP-D9-17037 |
37 |
A0117040 |
195W |
AMP-D9-17047 |
47 |
A0117050 |
195W |
AMP-D9-17057 |
57 |
A0117060 |
215W |
AMP-D9-17067 |
67 |
A0117070 |
240W |
AMP-D9-17077 |
77 |
A0117080 |
295W |
AMP-D9-17087 |
87 |
A0117090 |
295W |
AMP-D9-17097 |
97 |
A0117100 |
350W |
AMP-D9-17117 |
117 |
A0117120 |
400W |
Item # |
Length |
Nozzle body model # |
Heater Power # |
AMP-D9-22026 |
26 |
A0122030 |
195W |
AMP-D9-22036 |
36 |
A0122040 |
215W |
AMP-D9-22046 |
46 |
A0122050 |
240W |
AMP-D9-22056 |
56 |
A0122060 |
295W |
AMP-D9-22066 |
66 |
A0122070 |
350W |
AMP-D9-22076 |
76 |
A0122080 |
400W |
AMP-D9-22086 |
86 |
A0122090 |
460W |
AMP-D9-22096 |
96 |
A0122100 |
460W |
AMP-D9-22106 |
106 |
A0122110 |
460W |
AMP-D9-22116 |
116 |
A0122120 |
610W |
AMP-D9-22126 |
126 |
A0122130 |
610W |
AMP-D9-22136 |
136 |
A0122140 |
610W |
AMP-D9-22146 |
146 |
A0122150 |
690W |
AMP-D9-22156 |
156 |
A0122160 |
690W |
Item # |
Length |
Nozzle body model # |
Heater Power # |
AMP-D9-26025 |
25 |
A0126030 |
215W |
AMP-D9-26035 |
35 |
A0126040 |
295W |
AMP-D9-26045 |
45 |
A0126050 |
350W |
AMP-D9-26055 |
55 |
A0126060 |
400W |
AMP-D9-26065 |
65 |
A0126070 |
400W |
AMP-D9-26075 |
75 |
A0126080 |
460W |
AMP-D9-26085 |
85 |
A0126090 |
460W |
AMP-D9-26095 |
95 |
A0126100 |
610W |
AMP-D9-26105 |
105 |
A0126110 |
610W |
AMP-D9-26115 |
115 |
A0126120 |
610W |
AMP-D9-26125 |
125 |
A0126130 |
690W |
AMP-D9-26135 |
135 |
A0126140 |
690W |
AMP-D9-26155 |
155 |
A0126160 |
850W |
AMP-D9-26175 |
175 |
A0126180 |
850W |
Item # |
Length |
Nozzle body model # |
Heater Power # |
AMP-D9-36053 |
53 |
A0136060 |
460W |
AMP-D9-36073 |
73 |
A0136080 |
690W |
AMP-D9-36093 |
93 |
A0136100 |
690W |
AMP-D9-36113 |
113 |
A0136120 |
850W |
AMP-D9-36133 |
133 |
A0136140 |
850W |
AMP-D9-36153 |
153 |
A0136160 |
1050W |
AMP-D9-36173 |
173 |
A0136180 |
1050W |
AMP-D9-36193 |
193 |
A0136200 |
1300W |
AMP-D9-36213 |
213 |
A0136220 |
1300W |
AMP-D9-36233 |
233 |
A0136240 |
1300W |
AMP-D9-36253 |
253 |
A0136260 |
1550W |
Item # |
Length |
Nozzle body model # |
Heater Power # |
AMP-D9-46051 |
51 |
A0146060 |
610W |
AMP-D9-46071 |
71 |
A0146080 |
690W |
AMP-D9-46091 |
91 |
A0146100 |
850W |
AMP-D9-46111 |
111 |
A0146120 |
1050W |
AMP-D9-46131 |
131 |
A0146140 |
1300W |
AMP-D9-46151 |
151 |
A0146160 |
1300W |
AMP-D9-46171 |
171 |
A0146180 |
1550W |
AMP-D9-46191 |
191 |
A0146200 |
1550W |
AMP-D9-46211 |
211 |
A0146220 |
1550W |
AMP-D9-46231 |
231 |
A0146240 |
1800W |
AMP-D9-46251 |
251 |
A0146260 |
1800W | |
Gate mark and assembly size |
The composition of the hot runner system. |
Data download |
Pls click here for download the detailed data of AMP-D9 serial nozzles: download point<1> | |